The police action follows Ahmed Shafiu's allegations of a lawmaker attempting to coerce false testimony against MP Faris Maumoon, who is at the centre of the...
Authorities made several terror-related arrests in September following the United Kingdom updating its Maldives travel advice, saying terrorists were “very likely” to carry out an attack...
The NGO EcoCare Maldives initiated the civil suit against the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency.
The livelihood of ropemakers in Kulhudhufusshi is under threat because of plans for a new airport.
Raajje TV was last month penalised for broadcasting remarks from an opposition MP, the third fine slapped on it this year by the Maldives Broadcasting Commission.
The monthly case reports for the year were released by the Anti-Corruption Commission and showed the body investigated a total of 815 cases up until the...
Amid reports of reshuffles, dismissals and demotions of the highest-ranking police officers, an inquiry by a special committee at the president's office is underway into a...
A Chinese tourist died in a drowning accident in the pool of the Paradise Island Resort near the capital Malé.
The EU delegation's visit comes after the European Parliament adopted a resolution earlier this month urging the Maldivian authorities to reform the judiciary, release political prisoners, and...
The National Counter Terrorism Center is not functioning and has failed to respond to requests regarding safeguarding major tourist infrastructure against possible terrorist attacks, says an...
Ruling party MP Ahmed Nihan tweeted the opposition's unity candidate would be the former Elections Commission president Fuwad Thowfeek.
A ruling party lawmaker has proposed legislation for the creation of a new media regulatory body after dissolving the existing broadcasting commission and media council.
The 43 counts of "recompensing government loss" was among 239 charges forwarded to the Prosecutor General's office in the third quarter of 2017.
Maldives police said the Irishman was 30-years-old, but refused to reveal further details. Irish media named him as Andrew Roddy and said that he was on...
The RaajjeTV lawsuit was filed citing police incompetence in protecting the broadcaster’s assets, despite information being given to law enforcement authorities about the possibility of an...
While the Maldives foreign ministry announced the country’s candidacy back in 2016, a new website, animated video and three hashtags have been launched to support its...
The fines, and efforts to pay them off, have had a visible impact on Raajje TV's ability to continue with its news reporting.