Home minister slams opposition councils
Azleen Ahmed criticised opposition-dominated local councils that had urged the authorities to execute a Supreme Court order for the release of jailed politicians.

26 Mar 2018, 9:00 AM
Home Minister Azleen Ahmed on Sunday night criticised opposition-dominated local councils for calling on the authorities to execute a Supreme Court order for the release of jailed politicians.
Municipal councils should consider before adopting resolutions “whether this is within our jurisdiction, or if this is a matter that concerns us or not,” Sun quoted him as saying.
The remarks came after the Local Government Authority, a supervisory body chaired by the home minister, suspended 25 opposition councillors last week for releasing statements backing the February 1 ruling.
But the punishment was meted out fairly, Azleen insisted, warning of disruptions to the decentralisation system if councils work in opposition to the central government.
The home minister was speaking at a ceremony on Kaafu Guraidhoo island for the LGA’s inaugural Kangathi Award, which recognises top scorers from a performance index.
The Kaafu Huraa island council and the Fuvahmulah atoll council, which respectively have ruling party and opposition majorities, won the top prizes. Awards were also handed out for adherence to law, effectiveness, accountability, security and year-on-year improvement on the index.