News In Brief

Majlis to interview 25 for security officers’ role

15 Nov 2013, 3:42 PM

Minivan News

After fielding applications from 267 individuals, the Majlis has selected 25 people to be interviewed as security officers, local media reported.

MDP MP Imthiyaz ‘Inti’ Fahmy told Sun Online that the Majlis intended to employ one hundred officers.

The selection process follows Speaker Abdulla Shahid’s swearing in of former Maldives National Defense Forces (MNDF) officer Mohamed Haleem to the newly announced position of sergeant at arms last month.

The sergeant at arms is to oversee security of the Majlis premises – a task currently carried out by the MNDF.

The Ministry of Defence has criticised the move, arguing that the role is constitutionally reserved to the military, an argument which Shahid has expressed surprise at.

“I personally believe that the MNDF personnel should not be asked to come into confrontation with politicians, especially Members of Parliament. MNDF is a much higher institution,” Shahid told Minivan News earlier this month.

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