Disciplinary Committee

PPM MPs proceed with lawsuit against Gayoom
The ruling party MPs told local media that the lawsuit had been withdrawn. “But we’ve realised Maumoon is still not allowing for council or committee meetings, that’s why we decided to carry on with the case,” MP Shahid told The Maldives Independent.
18 Jul 2016, 9:00 AM
PPM disciplinary committee decides to expel MP Mahloof
25 Feb 2015, 9:59 AM
MDP expels MP ‘Reeko’ Moosa Manik
22 Dec 2014, 6:35 PM
News In Brief
MDP takes action against the party’s Villimalé Deputy Leader for campaigning against party
19 Mar 2014, 6:09 PM
Umar Naseer’s PPM future to be decided on Thursday
22 Apr 2013, 5:27 PM
Umar Naseer refuses to apologise to PPM
10 Apr 2013, 4:28 PM
PPM to decide whether to discipline Umar Naseer for allegations of corruption in party primary
07 Apr 2013, 5:23 PM
News In Brief
DRP threatens disciplinary action against two councillors
05 Oct 2011, 9:23 PM
Showing 8 of 8