Solar Energy

Electricity restored on Thinadhoo after powerhouse fire
The state utility company has restored electricity on the southern population hub of Thinadhoo after a powerhouse fire left residents in the dark for four days. Experts are calling for a transition to renewable energy.
01 Feb 2016, 9:00 AM

Business & Tourism
Maldives pursues fossil fuels and clean energy at once
The government, noting the need for reducing oil dependency, has signed its second renewable energy project in a month, but has also asked a visiting American research vessel to conduct tests for oil and gas near a UNESCO biosphere reserve.
22 Oct 2015, 9:00 AM
JICA completes US$11 million solar energy project
14 May 2014, 7:23 PM
Business & Tourism
Who turned out the light: Maldives’ solar ambitions plunged into darkness
24 Jun 2012, 5:42 PM
Business & Tourism
Transport vehicles need renewable energy plan: Blue Peace
28 Sep 2011, 7:30 PM
News In Brief
Solar Impulse prototype plane completes night flight
08 Jul 2010, 6:29 PM
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