
Villingili observes moment of silence in memory of assault victim

17 Apr 2011, 3:06 PM

Ahmed Nazeer

A group of about 200 people living in Villingili on Friday observed a moment of silence to commemorate Ahmed Mirza, 25, who died after  suffering severe injuries to his head in a violent attack last week.

The group marched on the streets of Villingili calling for the death penalty to be issued to murderers. Demonstrators also marched towards the houses of five suspects arrested in connection with the case and gathered outside.

Media reported that police blocked the entrance of the houses as demonstrators gathered around.

The march was also attended by opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Ahmed Nihan and family members of Mirza, and ended peacefully at the Children’s Park in Villingili where Mirza was last sitting before he was attacked

Nihan did not respond to Minivan News at time of press.

Mirza was assaulted last Monday with iron bars and other weapons in Villingili after he allegedly made comments concerning a girl.

He died early Thursday morning in Indira Gandi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

Mirza was declared brain-dead after doctors at the IGMH examined him and was kept on life support for almost two days according to the family’s wishes.

Mirza’s father told local newspaper Haveeru that his son had made plans to marry his girlfriend after a month.

Currently a Criminal Procedure Bill and an amendment to the Clemency Act to uphold death sentences withdrawing the authority president has to grant clemency on those sentenced to death are being presented to the parliament to curb the gang violence.

The Criminal Procedure Bill presented by Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group Leader MP ‘Reeco’ Moosa Manik was accepted by the parliament has now been sent to the National Security Committee.

The amendment to the Clemency Act presented by Jumhoree Party (JP) MP Ibrahim Muthalib requires to uphold death sentences if upheld by the Supreme Court or if the Supreme Court itself delivered a death sentence.

Currently all the death sentences issued are implemented as a 25 year imprisonment.