Villingili assault victim on life support after gang attack causes serious head injury
13 Apr 2011, 7:25 PM
Ahmed Nazeer
A 25 year-old man who suffered severe head injuries in an assault by a gang in Villingili two days ago has been declared brain-dead and is currently on life support at Indira Gandi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).
Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that police had received a report that the man had died, however this was not confirmed by the hospital.
”We can’t confirm whether he is dead, we have not yet received any official document yet,” Shiyam said, adding that five men had been arrested in connection with the attack.
IGMH Spokesperson Zeenath Ali told Minivan News that the victim’s condition was critical and that no progress had been observed since he was admitted to IGMH.
”The attack caused a very serious head injury,” she said. ”He is currently in a coma and on life support.”
Several media outlets have identified the person as Ahmed Mirza from the island of Maalhendhoo in Noonu Atoll.
Mirza, who works in a shop in Male’, was attacked on Monday night and rendered unconscious by his attackers. He was attacked while he was sitting in a park in Villingili.
Police have suggested the attack involved a gang, while Minivan News has received unsubstantiated reports that the assault was prompted following comments made about a girl.
A family member of the victim told local newspaper Haveeru that doctors had lost hope that Mizra would survive.
“He’s still on life support, hospitalised in the ICU because of the family’s request”, she told the paper. ”It’s like he’s gone, only with a pulse.”
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