Maldives “on the tip of a dark cloud of hatred”, warns Sheikh Fareed
21 Dec 2011, 1:58 PM
Ahmed Nazeer
Prominent religious scholar Sheikh Ibrahim Fareed has given a sermon denouncing Friday’s planned protest, on the grounds that “it will be the blood of fellow Muslim brothers flowing down the roads.”
Islam did not preach unrest and violence, Sheikh Fareed said, and it was not honoring Islam if Muslims should clash with Muslims in the name of protecting it.
He said that the Maldives was currently “on the tip of a dark cloud of hatred”, and warned about aggressive activities that might take place during the December 23 event, calling on people not to destroy property, or damage the sanctity and good name of another Muslim.
Sheikh Fareed referred to 2;11,12 of the Quran which states: ‘’ When it is said to them: “Make not mischief on the earth,” they say: “Why, we only Want to make peace!” Of a surety, they are the ones who make mischief, but they realise (it) not.’’
According to Sheikh Fareed, Anas Radi allah Anha narrated that the Prophet [PBUH] said ‘’Be patient, there will come a time, where the time that comes after that time will be worse than the other, until you shall meet your god [judgement day].’’
He called not to give space for disputes and to try and make peace instead, and called for people to “protect our wives and children from danger rather than feeding wood to a burning fire.”
He said that everyone will have to be accountable to Allah, and reminded that there were two angels that keep writing all good and bad deeds including the words we say.
Sheikh Fareed said that this life was not eternal and that everyone has to believe that “we might have close our eyes for the last time at any moment.”
‘’Then comes the time you feel bad about how you lived and start crying, although you did not want to leave you had to. Then you will be amazed of the persons that come to question you. Indeed, with a strong voice they will question you,’’ Shaiekh Fareed said. ‘’The persons that encouraged you to destroy people’s property and to damage the good name of others will not be there.’’
He added that the deeds people committed in this world “will be the only thing they will have.”
Sheikh Fared further said it was regrettable to hear of the news that two Muslim groups were to confront with each other.
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