News In Brief

President surveys schools, sewerage and courts in Laamu Atoll

01 Feb 2012, 7:13 PM

Minivan News

President Mohamed Nasheed today met with Isdhoo Island Council while visiting the island, one of several stops on his tour of Laamu Atoll.

Among the topics addressed was improving educational standards by making the island school a single-session school.

The President also discussed linking Isdhoo and nearby Dhanbidhoo with a causeway, and inspected the island’s health centre, school and the construction site of the magistrate court.

Today, the President also launched the Fonadhoo Sewerage System.

This evening, islanders are invited to the presentation “Kolhumadulu Hadhdhunmathi – Tharaqqee ge Kulavaru” on Gan island, which intends to inform the people of the government’s plans for atoll development.

The Laamu tour is scheduled to include meetings with the local island councils and the opening of a mid-market resort and diving village on Gan.