Police negligence responsible for death in custody, says PIC
26 Aug 2010, 5:56 PM
Minivan News
The Police Integrity Commission (PIC) have ruled that the Maldives Police Services was responsible for the death of Ibrahim Afzal, who self-immolated while in custody at Gahdhoo police station in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll.
Afzal died after pouring petrol over his body and lighting it, police claimed. The PIC said there was no evidence to suggest that police tortured him or set fire to him.
However, as Afzal died while in police custody, police were responsible for him the commission said, making the case one of negligence.
The commission also noted that there was no adequate place in Gahdhoo police station for holding suspects in custody.
The PIC has now sent the case to the Prosecutor General to determine whether a criminal case should be raised against concerned persons.
Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that police would accept the responsibilities expected of them.