Filladhoo islanders horrified after youths record nude footage in bathrooms
14 Oct 2010, 5:55 PM
JJ Robinson
The Maldives Police Service have arrested three youths on Filladhoo in Haa Alif Atoll after they allegedly recorded and released explicit footage of islanders bathing with spy cameras.
Haveeru reported islanders as telling police that the suspects had deliberately targeted adolescent girls at the local school, with one of the videos reportedly showing a 17 year old girl having a shower.
“The school students are really scared. No one is sure whether there is not a nude video of him or her,” an islander told Haveeru. “This is not something people should do. Some are not even going out of their homes because they are ashamed.”
The bathrooms of many local houses on islands are traditionally unroofed, however the incident has reportedly led to a number of islanders trying to roof their bathrooms.
The three youths were arrested after nude videos of girls from the island were found on a hard disk.
One Filladhoo resident told Haveeru that “we are lucky that we do not have a girl in our house.”
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