News In Brief

Bipolar patient left IGMH against family’s wishes

24 Apr 2014, 1:48 PM

Minivan News

A 41-year-old man being treated for bipolar disorder locked his brother in his room before discharging himself from Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) yesterday afternoon, CNM has reported.

According to family members, who are considering committing the man to the special needs centre at Kaafu Guraidhoo, he left the hospital without anyone in the hospital noticing.

CNM reported that police were active at the hospital when the patient escaped.

After police and family searched for him for several hours, he was found taking a Villimalé ferry by a family friend.

The patient was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1992 and was committed to the center for people with special needs at Guraidhoo in until 2005 after which he returned to his island where he worked for a few years.

According the family, before the patient escaped, a doctor at the hospital tried to discharge him from IGMH before official confirmation for committing him to the Guraidhoo center was received.