Mohamed Ibthihaal

Five state employees charged with negligence in three-year-old’s murder
The horrific murder of three-year-old Mohamed Ibthihaal in January 2015 shocked the nation while reports that the authorities had been aware of abuse by his mother sparked public outrage.
17 Jan 2017, 9:00 AM

Ibthihaal’s step grandfather on trial for incest
Ismail Rauf, who is accused of physically and sexually abusing his step daughter Afiya Mohamed and her three-year-old son Mohamed Ibthihaal, is now on trial for sexually abusing a child he had fathered.
07 Jan 2016, 9:00 AM
News In Brief
Hearing in Ibthihaal murder trial cancelled
05 Jul 2015, 4:00 PM

Mother confesses to abusing murdered three-year-old baby
15 Jun 2015, 5:11 PM
News In Brief
Ibthihaal’s mother remanded for a further 15 days
14 Feb 2015, 6:45 PM
MDP concern over stalled Majlis investigation into Ibthihaal case
12 Feb 2015, 3:20 PM
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