Mariyam Sheereen

High Court, citing lateness, rejects murder acquittal appeal
The High Court, citing lateness, has rejected an appeal filed by the state over the criminal court’s acquittal of man accused of killing his girlfriend and stuffing her body into a suitcase. Prosecutors blamed the delay on the criminal court failure to provide documents on time.
01 Jul 2015, 9:57 PM

Suspect accused of stuffing murdered girlfriend into suitcase acquitted
12 May 2015, 7:29 PM
Criminal Court concludes hearings in to murder of Sheereen
26 Mar 2014, 3:54 PM
Sheereen’s body put in suitcase for transport by taxi
10 Jan 2010, 6:50 PM
Tenant last to see Sheereen alive, say family
05 Jan 2010, 8:19 PM
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