
Fiqh Academy


Majlis creates new Islamic affairs council

The parliament has amended the 1994 Religious Unity Act to set up a new Supreme Council for Islamic affairs with the authority to issue fatwas or legal opinions on religious disputes.

13 Apr 2016, 9:00 AM


Islamic ministry orders TV station to stop programme on sorcery

In a letter sent to Sangu TV, the ministry noted that the Fiqh academy had issued a fatwa advising the media not to broadcast programmes that encourage the practice of sorcery as it a grave sin prohibited in Islam. The academy had warned that such programmes could “lead the public astray from the clear path of Islam.”

16 Dec 2015, 9:00 AM


Fiqh Academy issues fatwa on Jihad

“Travelling to Islamic countries where groups belonging to Islamic countries create havoc and instability in the name of jihad will open avenues for enemies of Muslims to interfere in the affairs of Muslim countries,” reads a fatwa (legal opinion) issued by the academy of religious scholars today.

25 Aug 2015, 9:00 AM


Fiqh academy warns against promotion of black magic

The Fiqh academy’s warning comes after opposition figures linked uprooting of old trees at the Republic square and removal of the Republic monument in Malè to President Abdulla Yameen’s alleged fear of sorcery.

16 Aug 2015, 9:00 AM


Fiqh academy reconstituted without Adhaalath Party scholars

24 May 2015, 5:00 PM


Maldivians shouldn’t fight foreign wars in name of Islam, says Islamic minister

28 May 2014, 5:22 PM

News In Brief

Fiqh Academy advises against importing kosher meals

11 Mar 2014, 3:30 PM


Islamic Ministry reveals policies and programmes for the year

12 Feb 2014, 10:57 PM

Features & Comment

Week in review: February 1 – 8

08 Feb 2014, 6:04 PM


President Yameen vetoes sexual offences bill

15 Jan 2014, 3:22 PM


Fiqh Academy VP condemns Sexual Offenses Bill for conditional criminalisation of marital rape

05 Jan 2014, 7:15 PM


Fiqh Academy reveals opinion on abortion

17 Dec 2013, 7:06 PM

Business & Tourism

Government calls for immediate Tourism GST increase to 15 percent

08 Jun 2013, 2:42 PM

News In Brief

Islamic Ministry calls for lowering age of prosecution for minors to 10 years-old

24 Apr 2013, 11:30 AM


Parliament committee to probe Sheikh Ilyas Hussain’s “false preaching” over draft penal code

27 Mar 2013, 6:27 PM


Females cannot perform marriage ceremonies under Islam, declares Fiqh Academy

31 Jan 2011, 6:19 PM

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