
Helmeted robbers arrested

The four men are suspected of stabbing an Indian national and stealing MVR2.3 million.

11 Mar 2019, 9:00 AM

Four men suspected of stabbing an Indian national and stealing MVR2.3 million (US$149,000) in cash near the State Bank of India in Malé were arrested hours after the robbery was reported on Sunday morning.

The four suspects, two men aged 23 and two minors, were arrested from two different locations, police said. 

The victim was on the way to the bank to deposit money from BHM traders when he was attacked by four suspects on motorbikes who were wearing helmets.

It is unclear if the money has been recovered.

The robbery occurred on the first day new rules on mandatory helmet use on the capital’s Sinamalé bridge and Hulhumalé highway come into force.

There has been a spate of street robberies involving large amounts of cash in the capital and its suburb Hulhumalé in recent weeks. According to police statistics, 102 cases of robbery have been reported so far this year.