Coral Reef

Reef frequented by whale sharks “destroyed” by resort’s excavation work
Excavation work carried out by LUX South Ari Atoll to clear a snorkelling channel on the island’s barrier reef has destroyed live corals, altered the current flow, and escalated the rate of erosion, divers say. It was approved by the tourism ministry after the resort’s proposal was twice rejected by the environment ministry.
07 Dec 2015, 9:00 AM
Business & Tourism
Eco-friendly resort holds 24-hour scuba diving event
28 Apr 2013, 5:11 PM
News In Brief
Stranded cargo vessel causes MVR 61 million worth of damage to reef
15 Jan 2013, 4:17 PM
Coral reefs begin to recover in the Maldives
11 Nov 2012, 5:07 PM
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